Shaq Fu 2 Becomes a Reality

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is officially becoming a game after its Indiegogo campaign barely reached its goal.

The game, which is Shaquille O’Neal’s second game following the original Shaq Fu, recently gained its $450,000 that it needed to become a reality. The brawler with Street Fighter-esque visuals is set to be developed by Big Deez Productions, which is made up of veterans from games like Halo and Final Fantasy. Shaquille O’Neal is, of course, involved.


After the first game was admittedly terrible, this game promises not to “Fu it up” and is set to release on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. No release date has been set, but a price of $29.99 has been announced for PC.


My Opinion:


I wrote about this game when its Indiegogo campaign first started up. It looks to be promising and stupid. This is a good stupid, though, with ridiculous scenarios, great cartoony visuals, and Shaq. If a game is going to star someone like Shaq, it is worth at least a look. Sure, the original Shaq Fu was terrible, but this time I am sure that the formula will work. I mean, they promised not to Fu it up.

Shawn Richards studies games to understand how they work. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.


3 thoughts on “Shaq Fu 2 Becomes a Reality”

  1. I enjoyed Shaq Fu. There weren’t many fighting games with great looking environments and small characters. Maybe it wasn’t that good, but I wasn’t overly critical of it way back in the 90’s.


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