Regenerating Enemy, Familiar Health System Revealed for Resident Evil 7

As Capcom continues its viral marketing for Resident Evil 7, two new videos have been emailed to members of the Resident Evil Ambassador program.

The first shows off the EKG health meter recognizable to longtime fans of the series, this time visible on a bracelet rather than the menus. Two health items are also combined to make a first-aid med.

The second shows an encounter with a seemingly immortal enemy, who is either a new character altogether, or the villainous Jack Baker in a different outfit.

Resident Evil 7 releases January 24th, 2017.

My Opinion:

This game looks more and more promising to diehard fans of the series (like myself), and I look forward to playing it in a few short months.

Chris Cobb is an Associate Editor for MONG, and a diehard fan of supernatural tales, conspiracy theories, and horror games. Seek him out on Youtube or Twitter!

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