Tag Archives: Adventure

TellTale Needs to Take a Break

Personally, I find idioms to be a little old hat. There’s one I think Telltale Games could take heed to though, if I can bend their ear: too much of a good thing will kill you, or in this case, our excitement for their games.  Continue reading TellTale Needs to Take a Break

More Than The Score – Broken Age, State of Decay

A story of duality in this week’s episode: Brian and Matt talk to Landon about Broken Age before being both happy and sad as we wish Jake our farewells as he takes flight to join GameSpot. But first, he stopped by to talk about State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition.

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Life Is Strange Episode Two: Out of Time Review


Life is Strange’s Episode Two: Out of Time is the second episode in DONTNOD‘s new series. In our review of Episode One: Chrysalis, we mentioned that the first episode was merely a decent start for the overarching plot. It is finally within the second episode that the series makes a turn for the better. Unburdened with introducing the major characters in this episode, the writers were able to craft the story to have some of the most remarkable moments yet. Continue reading Life Is Strange Episode Two: Out of Time Review

Life Is Strange Episode One: Chrysalis Review


Life is Strange. This title, while simple, perfectly captures both the main ideas from the game itself and an understanding of humanity that we all can comprehend. In this subtle way, DONTNOD has created a connection to the player and the game, before the story is even started.

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Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse Review


The flurry of 2D platform games continues to be in the forefront of numerous indie developers. Some of these games are diamonds in the rough, while others are just flat out rough.  In the third Shantae game, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse is happily one of those treasures for the Nintendo 3DS. Continue reading Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse Review