Category Archives: Esteban Cuevas

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD review


Nintendo has been on a Zelda remastering binge recently. Starting with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, nearly every 3D Zelda game has been remastered on either the Wii U or the 3DS. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD is the latest remaster, but unlike the previous re-releases, there wasn’t a large demand for this game. Despite its initial critical acclaim, this game isn’t as fondly remembered as other iterations in the franchise. Complaints with the game are numerous but they all seem to be related with Twilight Princess lacking something to make it stand out from the other games in the series. However, with a new coat of paint, and the best aspects of both of its previous releases, this HD remaster shows that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has aged better than expected and is well worth revisiting. Continue reading The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD review

Gemini: Heroes Reborn review


Gemini: Heroes Reborn is better than it has any right to be. Based on the recent Heroes television miniseries Heroes Reborn, the game has all the trappings of an IP-tie in video game, including unimpressive presentation and a lack of creative design. However, the gameplay’s main component, combat, became the game’s saving grace that kept me entertained all the way to the end. What should have been a typical example of a bog standard title based on a pre-existing intellectual property manages to be a step above its preconceptions, if in a unsubstantial way. Continue reading Gemini: Heroes Reborn review

Is PC Actually Better Than Console?

All hail the PC Master Race! This collective hivemind consists of purebred gamers who have made the Personal Computer their gaming platform of choice due to its limitless processing power, compatibility with various controllers and input devices, forward thinking focus on digital releases, multitude of new releases in a vast array of genres, and community support of titles that include fixes, mods, and upgrades. For the longest time, the prevailing opinion has been that whenever a game is released for PC as well as consoles, it would be the superior version by default. Furthermore, the PC is home to many unique exclusives that consoles wouldn’t even be able to run. The expanded capabilities of the PC trumps anything modern consoles can output. However, with respect to the glorious PC Master Race, is that really true? More and more often, we hear about the woes of PC games being broken at launch. In fact, these problems have become so commonplace, that I think it’s worth asking if PC gaming is actually better than gaming on consoles. Continue reading Is PC Actually Better Than Console?

Flashback Arcade – Episode 2 | Final Fantasy VII

On the second episode of the Flashback Arcade, Middle of Nowhere Gaming Associate Editor Esteban Cuevas (@colorwind), Associate Writer Charlie Savidge (@cnsavidge), and Executive Editor Shawn Richards (@littlebighamm) delve into the RPG classic Final Fantasy VII. We discuss the story, characters, and gameplay as well as the themes the game touches on. There are mild spoilers about the game in the podcast but two major spoilers will have warnings and are noted below as well. Then, Charlie makes his case for why all of the first generation of Pokémon games should be inducted in the Flashback Essentials. Continue reading Flashback Arcade – Episode 2 | Final Fantasy VII

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Review


Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam is the type of game that leaves you with a worse impression than you think it deserves. At its foundation, Paper Jam is a solid if simple turn-based RPG much like the rest of the Mario & Luigi series whose charming comedic quips can appeal to both children and fans of the Mario series. For the most part, that foundation keeps the game engaging enough throughout its 25-30 hour run time. However, what’s built on that foundation drags the overall experience down with its creatively pisspoor implementation of the Paper Mario world, constant backtracking, and fruitless busy work. By the time I saw the credits roll, Paper Jam had long worn out its welcome.

Continue reading Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Review

What The New Nintendo Handheld Should Be

Nintendo has new hardware coming out soon, possibly this year, most likely by next year. Rumors say that the next Nintendo platform will double as both a home console and a portable handheld, with each proponent being released separately. If this is the case, there’s some things that I would like to see Nintendo do, specifically with the handheld portion which is said to be released first. So let’s take a look at what the new Nintendo handheld should be. Continue reading What The New Nintendo Handheld Should Be

Flashback Arcade – Episode 1 | The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise

On the inaugural episode of the Flashback Arcade, Middle of Nowhere Gaming Associate Editor Esteban Cuevas (@colorwind), Associate Writer Charlie Savidge (@cnsavidge), and Executive Editor Shawn Richards (@littlebighamm) discuss everyone’s favorite blue and speedy mammal, Sonic the Hedgehog. We discuss our first game with the blue blur as well as what we like about Sonic and the state of the franchise now. Then, in the first addition to the Flashback Essentials, the crew decides whether or not Castlevania: Symphony of the Night should be inducted. Will one half of the Metroidvania genre make the cut? Continue reading Flashback Arcade – Episode 1 | The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise

That Dragon, Cancer Review


About halfway through That Dragon, Cancer, I came across a scene that was very solemn like most of the scenes before it. I explored the area, looking at handprints of children in a cancer ward until it opened up to reveal several greeting cards strewn around the room. I checked each one before leaving the room, revealing that the whole center was littered with them. Each card was different in tone, some positive and some negative, but all were about cancer patients. Some were survivors, some were still fighting – many had lost. It’s a powerful moment and as I started to read the cards in the bigger area, I started to cry. The sheer attrition from each card I read overwhelmed me. Even after I composed myself, I wound up crying again later. And yet, this is all completely optional. As soon as you enter the bigger area, you can very quickly see the way to leave this scene entirely. You don’t need to read all the cards, you don’t need to read any of them really; I didn’t have to cry. However, I was determined to read each and every card in that section. I refused to leave one card unread, one person ignored, and that’s what That Dragon, Cancer does so well. It makes you care, it gets you invested, and appeals solely to your emotions, for better or worse. Continue reading That Dragon, Cancer Review

Shadow Complex Remastered review


Shadow Complex is a game whose reputation precedes itself. Heralded as one of the greatest releases on Xbox Live Arcade, it reinvigorated the 2D Platform Adventure genre, which now has a strong presence with titles like Guacamelee and Axiom Verge. It’s been six years since its initial release and a PC port entitled Shadow Complex Remastered is now available. Along with the typical improvements and options that come with the platform, this version also has additional gameplay elements and improved graphics thanks to a new engine. Being a fan of the genre but having never played the original, I jumped in with hopeful expectations, which were both exceeded and severely let down. Continue reading Shadow Complex Remastered review