Video Games I’m Thankful For (Part 7)

The next installment of “Video Games I’m Thankful For” will include a game from the world of Sony. This PlayStation 2 game is actually one that I do not own, but after playing my roommate’s copy, I certainly wish I did.

Kingdom Hearts

When I first heard the concept of the game, I immediately thought it was a cheap ploy to try and unite hardcore gamers with Disney fanatics. In reality, it was a ploy to unite gamers and Disney fanatics, but to my surprise, it was done in such a magical way (no way intended to sound Disney-ish)

The gameplay, smart storyline, and careful weaving of fan favorites, gave me the appreciation I was looking for in a non-Nintendo gaming system. In addition, Kingdom Hearts allowed me to develop a greater appreciation and love of systems that were non-Nintendo, a challenging feat in my younger years.

I loved the game and started to follow the series more and more. Now, I’m currently playing through the Nintendo 3DS games and am excited to see what Kingdom Hearts III has in store.

What games are you thankful for? What games have a special spot in your heart?

Come back tomorrow for the next game of the series!

For previous parts of the series, see below:

Follow Harry Loizides, a Senior Editor, through his life of video games, obstacle races, and other adventures with Instagram, Twitter, and IGN